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姓名: 高韬
领域: 品牌管理 
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耐克承诺淘汰其供应链中有毒有害物质 2011-08-20


    北京,2011年8月18日:国际运动品牌耐克发表公开声明,向公众承诺会在2020年之前淘汰其供应链中的所有有毒有害物质。继彪马之后,耐克成为第二个响应绿色和平“无毒未来”号召的品牌,用实际行动带动纺织业及其它行业做出“无毒”改变。然而,在绿色和平上月发布的报告《时尚之毒 – 全球服装品牌的中国水污染调查》中重点指出的另一行业巨头阿迪达斯以及国内著名运动品牌李宁,至今仍未做出任何积极行动。
    与此同时,为了给尚未做出承诺的另一行业巨头——阿迪达斯施加压力,绿色和平在世界多个城市采取了实际行动。北京时间今天凌晨在西班牙巴塞罗那举行 的西班牙超级杯巴萨-皇马的比赛现场,绿色和平的志愿者用投影仪打出“耐克1- 0阿迪达斯”的信息,意在指出在淘汰有毒有害物质的这场比赛中,阿迪达斯已经落后于竞争对手耐克。而阿迪达斯和耐克分别是当日参赛双方皇马和巴萨的赞助商。
NIKE, Inc. Commitment on Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals
17 August, 2011
In support of the principles of prevention and precaution1, and in line with our overall commitment to water stewardship, NIKE, Inc.2 supports the goal of systemic change to achieve zero discharge of hazardous chemicals associated with supply chains and the lifecycles of products within one generation3 or less.
NIKE, Inc. is committed to the goal of zero discharge4 of hazardous chemicals5 by 2020.
To make this a reality, NIKE, Inc. will continue phasing out hazardous chemicals in our supply chain and we will accelerate the phase out of the highest priority6 hazardous chemicals. NIKE, Inc. will continue to work with brands, material suppliers, the broader chemical industry, NGOs and other stakeholders to achieve this goal. We will drive towards innovative solutions for transparency in chemical management disclosure.
We recognize the path to reaching this goal must be through innovation, the application of green chemistry7, and broad industry and regulatory collaboration and engagement. NIKE, Inc.’s commitment and investment towards this goal and the dedication to system change is unwavering.
We will work tirelessly to affect system change across the industry towards this goal. This commitment includes sustained investment in moving industry, government, science and technology to deliver on systemic change.
We commit to continue to share what we learn, our approaches and tools and work with others8 in finding new solutions and removing existing barriers, and to report progress towards comprehensive chemicals management.
Within eight weeks, NIKE, Inc. will announce its action plan for the goal of eliminating hazardous chemicals within our supply chain addressing transparency, chemical management, including how we will address the need for industry disclosure in line with right to know principles9 and a timeline for the elimination of the highest priority hazardous chemicals. Due to the highly complex and shared nature of supply chains, we invite others in our industry to co-create a broader action plan for the industry, as collaboration is critical to drive progress.
1 “The Precautionary Principle means that when (on the basis of available evidence) an activity may harm human health or the environment, a cautious approach should be taken in advance – even if the full extent of harm has not yet been fully established scientifically. It recognizes that such proof of harm may never be possible, at least until it is too late to avoid or reverse the damage done. The process of applying the Precautionary Principle must involve an examination of the full range of alternatives, including, where necessary, the development of sustainable alternatives where they do not already exist.”
2 NIKE, Inc. includes the Nike Brand, Cole Haan, Converse, Hurley, and Umbro.
3 One generation is generally regarded as 20-25 years. However, we intend to accelerate timelines for elimination and substitution through active engagement with material and chemical suppliers and green chemistry innovation.
4 Discharge means all release pathways from our supply chain (contract factories, material suppliers, and dyeing/finishing facilities).
5 Hazardous chemicals are identified through the evaluation of intrinsic hazards including persistence, bioaccumulation and toxic (PBT), very persistent and very bioaccumulative (vPvB), carcinogenic, mutagenic and toxic for reproduction (CMR), and endocrine disruptors (ED), or other properties of equivalent concern.
6 Our approach is to prioritize hazardous chemicals that pose the greatest risk to consumers, workers and the environment.
7 Green Chemistry is the design, development, and implementation of chemical products and processes to reduce or eliminate the use and generation of substances hazardous to human health and the environment. The principles of Green Chemistry such as proactive pollution prevention and the use of inherently safer chemistries are consistent with the intentions of the Precautionary Principle.
8 A partial list of Nike tools include: the Restricted Substances List (RSL), Green Chemistry Program, Sustainable Chemistry Guidance, H2O-Insight Water Tool, Materials Analysis Tool (MAT), and the Considered Index. A partial list of current collaboration partners includes: AFIRM, BSR, CEO Water Mandate, the Apparel Coalition, Green Chemistry Institute (GCI), Green Chemistry and Commerce Council (GC3) and the Sustainable Apparel Coalition.
9 Right to know is defined as practices that allow members of the public access to environmental information – in this case specifically about the uses and discharges of chemicals based on reported quantities of releases of hazardous chemicals to the environment, facility-by-facility, year-by-year.
* 首倡“品牌之上”即“品牌3.0”;




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